June, 2020

We have recently completed a few upgrades at the Gallery and thank our Building and Grounds Chair, Joy Schneider, for taking such good care of the grounds and keeping the Gallery weed free. We also thank Loy Guzman and Deb Bernard for enhancing our curb appeal at the SW corner of Pine and 80.

Nicely done! When the Gallery does reopen, we’ll be ready for customers at the front desk with a practical (and beautiful) partition. Thank you, Rob! Even in challenging and difficult times, we are still dedicated to keeping the Gallery closely aligned with its mission: To develop and enhance the artistic talents of its members by means of exhibits and workshops and to enrich the cultural and educational opportunities for the residents of Rodeo, Portal and surrounding area.

As always, we appreciate your loyalty and support. Do watch this space for updates on our partial reopening – which is coming soon!

Joan McAvoy

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